Tuesday 19 July 2011

A little bit more Instinct PR ...

So it is coming to the end of my 2 week scheduled internship with Instinct PR. I have been doing the day - to day jobs of a Press assistant/officer, and have really enjoyed my time here.

I will be sitting down with the team tomorrow and discussing the future, which could lead to a number of things:

*Staying on as an intern for a bit longer
*Looking elsewhere for other intern/job opportunities
*OR (the one I am most hoping for) getting offered a permanent placement on the team.

Fingers crossed for me please!

I really like the people I work with here, and love the mixture of responsibility, hard work and fun.
The more time I have spent here, the more I have adapted to the way they work and I feel like I am now in sync with the team, knowing what to do when I am left to my own devises.

Let's hope it all works out for the best.

Don't forget to share a smile and keep checking in for the news, whatever it may be!


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