Monday 4 July 2011

Rachel Hudson's Art: The Lastest Creation...

So yet another amazing painting by Mummy Hudson

She has been asked to do a few things for charity events and friends, which she is more than happy to do. It allows her creative freedom whilst also showcasing what awesome things she can do!!

You have to excuse the mess, this is my mums painting studio/ where-every-thing-gets-put! 

These two were created for a charity event, beautiful in yellows, gold and silver.

Her latest task, was to create a large painting for a company called Chess Properties, and estate agents. They asked Mummy Hudson to design something that would somehow involve the Chess theme, using chess pieces for example, and sticking to their colour theme of black, white and red. 

So far so good i'd say...

Keep your eyes peeled for a finished image!!! :D 


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